Metal Braces Make Stunning Smiles

Metal braces at Booth Orthodontics are sleek and comfortable, giving you a great experience and amazing results.

Braces are More Comfortable
Than Ever

If you think braces are bulky and bothersome, think again. At Booth Orthodontics, we use the latest orthodontic technology to give you a better experience from start to finish.

The brackets Dr. Ryan Booth uses are sleeker and the wires are lighter to reduce the irritation you feel during treatment.

Let’s take a closer look at the components modern metal braces use to build your smile.

The Different Parts of Your Braces

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Brackets are made from a mix of durable metal to withstand treatment needs. They have little hooks or doors where Dr. Ryan threads a wire.


This is what we will use to attach the brackets to your teeth. Although some orthodontists may attach the brackets to a metal band — which is then crimped around the tooth to hold it in place — attaching the bracket directly to the tooth is much more efficient.

In cases that require more severe treatment, we may use metal bands with glue to give the braces more leverage and stability.


This thin piece of metal runs from one bracket to another. We'll change the shape and curvature of the archwire to move your teeth in the desired direction.

Today's braces are much more comfortable, and the continuous force eliminates the need for wire tightening, reducing your overall time in braces.


If you need bite correction, elastics are essential. Dr. Ryan will string the elastic between an upper and lower bracket hook.

You may also need rubber bands to help bring your front teeth together or to increase the number of teeth you show when you smile.

A Great Treatment Choice

Braces are great at fixing complex tooth issues and can work faster at closing gaps and aligning teeth than other treatments might — which can potentially shorten your treatment time.

They also don't require some of the more complex technology or expensive equipment that newer treatments might, often making metal braces a cost-effective option.

The strength, durability, and affordability of traditional metal braces keep them the top treatment for patients of all ages year after year.

Watch Your Progress

Because metal braces get right down to work, you'll see some signs of progress in a relatively short time. It may not seem like much, but sometimes, seeing even a slight improvement in your smile can give you a boost of encouragement on your orthodontic journey.

Personalize Your Braces

Traditional metal braces come with a fun twist—you can customize them with pops of color. The elastics that fit around brackets come in various colors, so you can showcase your personality whenever you want.

Pick your favorite color combination, the colors of your favorite sports team, or your school colors. We also offer silver, gray, white, black, and tooth-colored elastics for patients seeking a more subtle look.

How Long Treatment Lasts

Every mouth is unique, and every patient responds to treatment differently, so treatment time with metal braces will vary. But with our hyper-efficient techniques, most patients spend 12 to 15 months in braces.

We can have patients in braces for as little as six months, but for complex issues, it can take up to two years to complete the process.

Start Your New Smile

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Ryan at Booth Orthodontics in Homer Glen to learn how metal braces can improve your smile.

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